Outside Every Day has created monthly calendars (APRIL, MAY, JUNE, JULY, & AUGUST) that you can use to track your progress and keep notes of what you did Outside Every Day. On the back, there is a list of simple and easy outdoor activities that can be done in a backyard, balcony, nearby park, or any patch of sky and ground! We also have weekly calendars with more ideas for what to do outside.

Week 1

Week 2

Week 4

Week 3


Many of the Outside Every Day Challenge organizational sponsors have activities and resources posted on their websites and social media pages. Resource links in bold and italic are available in Spanish.

City of Boulder – Open Space and Mountain Parks

Information on Open Space closures, tips on responsible recreation, and an interactive map that show which trails are most and least used and which are at least six feet wide, can be found on their main website.

Visit their kid pages for puzzles, games, Coyote Bob Comic Books and more!


More fun ways to learn about birds can be found in Ranger Paula’s WILD At-home Adventures. There are instructions for building a bird feeder, creating a nature journal to record which birds you see, and how to draw your own flash cards to help you learn how to tell birds apart. View them HERE.

Cottonwood Institute

Online educational resources, especially for high school students, on nature connection, outdoor skills, and environmental issues and solutions – visit their website.

CU Science Discovery

STEM (science technology engineering math) activities to do at home – visit their website.

Garden to Table

Garden-focused activities and resources - visit their Facebook page.

Generation Wild

Many simple ideas for outdoor activities, including a list of 100 Things to Do Before You’re 12 and videos of backyard activities – visit their website or follow them on Facebook for more!

Jeff and Paige

Kid-delighting, music-filled videos and streaming concerts about nature and science – follow them Facebook or sign up for their emails to access their free online content.

The Kiva Center

Nature activities and resources on topics like wild edibles and bird language - visit their website or Facebook page.

Nature Kids / Jóvenes de la Naturaleza - Boulder

Nature Kids / Jóvenes de la Naturaleza Boulder is collecting and sharing a wide variety of resources online so be sure to follow them on Facebook.

Ocean First Institute

Live webinars and streaming events, hands-on ocean activities, videos, online courses, and live camera feeds of walruses, sharks, orcas, and manatees - visit their website.

Thorne Nature Experience

Thorne Nature Experience is collecting and sharing a wide variety of resources online so be sure to visit their website follow them on Facebook and Instagram  or sign up for their E-lerts so you don’t miss out!


A Note on Staying Safe Outside

Getting outside is deemed an "essential activity" by the Colorado Stay-at-Home order! It IS legal (and essential) to walk, run, and play outside as long as you follow social distancing and do not use playgrounds, picnic shelters, and public restrooms. When outside, please follow these COVID-19 precautions:

  • Wear a cloth face mask AND stay 6 feet away from people who are not in the same household

  • Avoid visiting busy places and stay as close to home as possible to recreate

  • Do not gather in groups

  • Limit children to playing with family members living under the same roof

  • Clean hands thoroughly and often, and avoid touching your face

  • Do not take risks - medical resources are scarce and social distancing is not possible for first responders, putting them at risk

While local trails and open spaces for the most part remain open, these places are experiencing higher than usual use, which could negatively impact plants and wildlife or result in closures. Please practice Leave No Trace principles and stay closer to home, rather than driving long distances to recreate outside. It is always best to check online to ensure the trail or open space you plan to visit is not closed due to reasons related to COVID-19, muddy trail conditions, or to protect wildlife. If you get to a trail head and find it crowded, please consider choosing another location.

For more information, please visit: CDC, and